Setan Berkalung Surban

Prof. KH Ali Mustafa Ya'qub

In Sahih al-Bukhari, there is an interesting story. Companion Abu Hurairah, the Prophet tasked to keep grain yield charity. Suddenly, at night there is a stocky built man with stealing wheat shoulder bag.

Abu Huraira then arrested and will menghadapkannya to the Prophet, but the thieves just now live miserably, he called Abu Hurairah that release. Abu Huraira then release it and asked him promise not to repeat the offense.

Tomorrow morning, the Prophet asked Abu Hurairah, "O Abu Huraira, what you do to people you arrest last night?"

Abu Huraira narrate the incident to him. The Prophet then said, "Be careful, because tonight he will come again."

True, on the second night the thief was coming over and stealing grain. Abu Hurairah again and catch the thief to woo back so Abu Hurayrah release.

Tomorrow morning, the Prophet asked Abu Huraira as queries yesterday, Abu Huraira also said like that. The Prophet then said, "Remember, tonight he will come again."

Abu Hurayrah began to question why these thieves continue to do so. And Abu Huraira promise to herself, "Wait a night, I might not miss if he stole again."

True, on the third night the thief was coming, and steal again.

Then Abu Huraira as a promise on his report and bring the thief to the Prophet, Abu Huraira never let go.

However, before leaving the Prophet, the thief asked Abu Hurairah for a little talk and Abu Hurayrah motioned.

"O Abu Hurayrah, would you let me practice?" So said last thief Abu Huraira.

Abu Hurairah directly surprise, in the heart of it, said, "This would be rusted coke thief practices. Perchance he is a teacher. "

Abu Huraira was curious. Understandably, the companions of the Prophet pleased with the practices.

"Whether the practice was" asked Abu Hurairah. Thieves had replied, "O Abu Hurayrah, read the paragraph chair before you sleep then God will keep you from the temptation of Satan that night." Hearing the answer, Abu Hurayrah immediately release it.

Inwardly, he said, "The thief is actually a ust."

The next day, the Prophet asked it again to Abu Huraira and Abu Hurayrah reported that the thief gave deeds. The Prophet then asked, "whether the practice was that?"

Abu Huraira said as alleged thieves last night. The Prophet said, "The truth is that he was given, but he was lying."

The Prophet then asked, "O Abu Hurayrah, announcing you whom came three nights in a row it?"

Abu Huraira said, "Do not know." He said, 'He is a demon. "

From this hadith, some interesting lessons. First, Satan can transform into a human.

Second, in order to outwit and find victims, can transform into a demon or a religious teacher Ustaadh alone with all the attributes and advice-advice. It is here, many people are fooled by the appearance of a demon.

When the ribbing a fun worship, Satan would not make him play gambling, stealing, corruption, and so on. But, the devil called out to do the act is an outward worship.

As a worship done not in order to carry out the orders of Allah and or His apostles, especially in order to meet the desire of appetite desires dibisik aka Satan, this is where the worship is not to God, but to Satan.

Fortunately, Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet told the wiridan right, so he megamalkannya not have to follow the orders of demons, but to follow the command of the Prophet.

This Hadith also warns us to be careful because the face of the appeal can be vicious female demon to come up with a jilbab and Muslim fashion and come up with a male demon berkalung Surban. (* ROL)

* Priest Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta
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