Saatnya Indonesia Kembangkan Wisata Muslim

Based on data from the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public Life, a research institute of the world, the average growth rate of Muslims in the world reached 1.5 percent each tahunnnya. It is seen as a great potential in the global tourism industry.

Still based on the same data, halal food and beverage sector is the largest production in the world's Muslims. Production figures in this sector reached 16.6 percent and continues to rise.

The above facts show or a tour of Islamic sharia has become a tourist industry to be reckoned with in the world. Reading these opportunities, future Indonesian tourism will also be open to the concept of Islamic tour.

Tourism Sharia not merely lawful and unlawful matters only. "Because there are perspectives that sharia was about travel-and-haram halal, so scary. Though not, the problem of providing the facilities, "said Deputy Minister of Tourism Creative Economy Nirwandar, Monday (12/5) in Jakarta.

Sapta said it was preparing a certification and legalization process through cooperation and communication with the Indonesian Ulema Council. Its main businesses are being targeted providers of goods and services in the tourism industry such as hotels, restaurants, including Islamic fashion and cosmetics kosher.

"Actually in our tourist facilities Islam has existed, only declaration that has not been heard. Lots of restaurants are pocketing halal certificate, only there are no declarations. Dozens of hotels are already mentioned hotels sharia, "Sapta said.

Islamic tourism was big Framework covers things that are immaterial, as the service is friendly and polite. All facilities that characterize Islamic matters and sought foreign tourists Islam.

Indonesia also will host The First OIC International Forum on Islamic Tourism 2014. Event was held at 2-3 June 2014. According to the plan, the forum will discuss the prospects and challenges of Islamic tourism was attended by 57 countries members of the Organisation of Islamic world Islamic Cooperation (OIC ).

The Forum also welcomed by the business. Each country representative also brought the group entrepreneurs and businesses in tourism.

"Later how we can take the business opportunities in this Muslim tourism," said Executive Director of the Communication Center of Islamic Economics Kushartanto ISMI. Director General for Multilateral Foreign Ministry Hasan Kleib added, the premier international gathering of Islamic tourism is very promising.

Referring to the data of The Global Islamic State of Economy, 2013, the Muslim community to fashion spending to reach U.S. $ 224 billion by 2012. Targeted expenditure in 2018 was U.S. $ 322 billion. The Indonesian market is in the third position consumption couture-Muslims under Turkey and Iran.

Travel guide

In Indonesia, the number of Muslims reached 88.1 percent of the total population. Handbook of Kemenparekraf said Indonesian Muslims travel direct to the ranks of the areas of Sumatra, Java, and West Nusa Tenggara. This means ranging from Aceh, West Sumatra, Lampung, across Java and Lombok.

Additional points of interest shown are not too different from the place or the usual touristic attractions on offer. Indonesian Islam in guided tours, there are some additional places over religious values ​​of Islam breathed either mosques or surau, as well as various historical relics related to the spread of Islam in the country. (* / Ng-id)
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